Keep your head to the sky Keep your head to the sky When I think I don’t deserve it, I think about Jesus And the fact that he was perfect and he thinks that I’m worth it I know I got a purpose So when I don’t like what I see in the mirror I learn to look passed the surface Believe me God heard this, Cause these words came from my heart I was in pain, it was dark Then came the spark to light down the road To let me know that he would lighten up my load And it’s gon’ get greater, later God only wants the best for me But the devil’s a hater I can see his eyes through the smiles of fake friends If yall think hate wins just keep At the end of the day who’s will will you think will prevail Or will you live to tell Miracle after miracle it comes true The spiritual individual within you Keep your head to the sky Keep your head to the sky Lord if you hear me, You know that I’m coming to you sincerely I need you near me, please feel me I’m sick and I need for you to heal me I’m lost and looking for the real me I’m tired and weary Haven’t been able to see things clearly And even though I know you love me dearly I still get leery So where does that leave me? Lost and alone I wanna call god but it’s like I lost my phone Every day is a struggle cause I juggle my problems Need to let go and let God Cause only he could solve them I’m tired of lying to myself Thinking I could do it on my own When I get left alone When the devil sneaks in and creeps in Knocks on the door lightly than peeks in And it’s usually around the weekend Then I get reckless and jump off the deep end Come on