Dismal Euphony akordy a texty písní
- Carven
- Shine For Me, Misery
- Python Zero
- Lady Ablaze
- Flyineye
- Spire
- Critical Mass
- Et Vintereventyr
- Ekko
- A Thousand Rivers
- Natten Løftet Sitt Tunge Ansikt...
- Scenario
- Rage Of Fire
- All Little Devils
- Mistress Tears
- Victory
- In Rememberance Of A Shroud
- Days Of Sodom
- Simply Dead
- Psycho Path
- Trollbundet
- Abandon
- Isgrav, Det Siste Hvilested
- Lunatic
- Magma
- An Autumn Leaf In The Circles Of Time
- Splendid Horror
- Spellbound
- The Mournful Silence
- 150 MP/H
- 150 MP/H
- 150 MPH
- T A Thousand Rivers
- A Winters Tale
- T Abandon
- T All Little Devils
- T Alvedans
- An Autumn Leaf in the Circle of Time
- T An Autumn Leaf In The Circles Of Time
- T Birth Reverse
- Bortgang
- Cabinet Bizarre
- T Carven
- T Critical Mass
- T Days Of Sodom
- Dead Words
- T Ekko
- Epilog
- T Et Vintereventyr
- T Flyineye
- T In Rememberance Of A Shroud
- T Isgrav, Det Siste Hvilested
- T Lady Ablaze
- T Lunatic
- T Magma
- T Mistress Tears
- Natten Loftet Sitt Tunge Ansikt
- T Natten Løftet Sitt Tunge Ansikt...
- T Needle
- T Plasma Pool
- Prolog
- T Psycho Path
- T Python Zero
- T Rage Of Fire
- T Scenario
- T Shine For Me, Misery
- T Simply Dead
- Spellbound
- T Spire
- T Splendid Horror
- The Mournful Silence
- T Trollbundet
- T Victory
- T Zentinel
Autumn Leaves - The Rebellion Of Tides / Lady Ablaze
Python Zero
- 1 Critical Mass
- 2 Python Zero
- 3 Zentinel
- 4 Needle
- 5 Magma
- 6 Birth Reverse
- 7 Plasma Pool
- 8 Flyineye
All Little Devils
Lady Ablaze
- 1 Lady Ablaze
- 2 Abandon
- 3 Cabinet Bizarre
- 4 150 MPH
- 5 Bortgang
Autumn Leaves - The Rebellion of Tides
Soria Moria Slott