Album Project 56

- 1 15 Minutes
- 2 80 Something
- 3 A Song About Squirrels
- 4 Almond Question
- 5 American Slushie
- 6 Antiquism
- 7 Aprils
- 8 Automau5er
- 9 Bad Excuse
- 10 Bitter
- 11 Blue File
- 12 Bored of Canada
- 13 Bored
- 14 Buttercup
- 15 Catcalls
- 16 Cliqd
- 17 Conscious Operator
- 18 Don't Give Me Tapes
- 19 Dunch Wagon
- 20 Equal
- 21 Filterwerk
- 22 Frederic Vs. the Bederic
- 23 Go Ahead and Say It
- 24 Gurulucicheap
- 25 Hardly Noticeable
- 26 I Forget
- 27 I Hate Campers
- 28 Just Before 8bit
- 29 Lubrikated
- 30 Maybe Sometimes
- 31 Mentasm
- 32 Milk
- 33 Monday
- 34 My Fucking Adventure
- 35 Nice Try Kiddo
- 36 No Clue
- 37 No Interpolation
- 38 No Reasons
- 39 Oblistique
- 40 One
- 41 Orange File
- 42 Papers
- 43 Plants
- 44 Reach Out
- 45 Rubiq
- 46 Sellular
- 47 The Big Difference
- 48 This Sucks
- 49 Tricky
- 50 Uploading and Downloading
- 51 Uvival
- 52 What's Missing
- 53 Why
- 54 Wish You Were There
- 55 Working Squid
- 56 X Y and A