Excuse me for my ignorance I blame it on the past but I'd like to introduce myself believe we're never met Every little part of you perfectly designed you are dazzling the pool away the love I had in mind let me take you for a ride in my dreams tonight Over and over i need you believe me thise time I'm ready There's no tomorrow just give me the pleasure do you feel affection right now girl I love your innocence slightly insecure and I like the scent of your perfume it knocks me to the floor your lips are representing the benefit of life and I'm standing here a touch away from the love i had in mind let me take you for a ride in my dreams tonight over and over I need you believe me this time I'm ready There's no tomorrow just give me the pleasure do you feel affection right now over and over i need you believe me God help me out this time! I'm ready move closer release me cause i want you right now