Lost In the jungle of our time Thousands of faces hanging on walls Thousands of eyes gazing at me Can't dodge their rays Beams of oppressive gravity Scream in dispair For nothing is unrepeatable Or is it? Strong enough to survive Strong enough to move on Conscious of their values But bored of their doctrine The day the sun will burn Under their shadow I won't find shelter Denounce our fathers For blinding our hands Clasped to pray those shoulders On top of which we stand Shadows of our fathers Cover the Whole land Still not everything has been said Lost In the hall of fame of our age Hundreds of handprints in golden stars Hundreds of eyes looking away from me Eyes sparkling with light As bright as mine I won't lower my sight Our idol is a lion Who can no longer protect his prole Our duty not to leave The jungle orphan of its king Not everything is written Not everything is said As little as I can be I'm not dead yet