Let Your kingdom come on earth Let Your will be done Let every kingdom of this earth, bow; Let the sinners sing for joy We are saved by grace Let every saint break through these doors, and shout You're callin out Who will go Chorus: I will go I will live the life I'll give it all for Jesus Christ I'll tell the world that You are God; I will go Hear my battle cry Give me wings so I can fly And tell the world that You are God Let Your kingdom come on earth Let Your will be done Let every kingdom of this earth, bow; Let the sinners sing for joy We are saved by grace Let every saint break through these doors, and shout You're callin out Who will go Chorus: I will go I will live the life I'll give it all for Jesus Christ I'll tell the world that You are God; I will go Hear my battle cry Give me wings so I can fly And tell the world that You are God YEAH HEAH OH YEAH OH Here am I, here am i I will give all that is mine Here am i, here am i Jesus come and spend my life; Here am I, here am I I will give all that is mine Here am I, here am I Jesus come, come and spend my life Spend my life Spend my life YEAH HEAH Chorus: I will go I will live the life I'll give it all for Jesus Christ I'll tell the world that You are God; I will go Hear my battle cry Give me wings so I can fly And tell the world that You are God; I will go I will live the life I'll give it all for Jesus Christ I'll tell the world that You are God; I will go Hear my battle cry Give me wings so I can fly And tell the world that You are God; Talking: In the year the King Uzziah died I saw the Lord seated on the throne High and exalted And the train of His robe filled the temple Above Him were the seraphs Each with six wings With two wings that covered their faces With two they covered their feet With two they were flying They were calling to one another Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty The whole earth is full, is full of His glory At the sound of their voices The doorposts and the thresholds shook And the temple was filled with smoke Woah to me I cried, I am ruins For I am a man of unclean lips And I live among a people of unclean lips And my eyes have seen the King The Lord Almighty Then one of the seraphs flew to me With live coal in his hand Which he had taken with tongs from the altar With it he touched my mouth and said SING This has touched your lips Your guilt is taken away and your sin, atoned for And then, And then I heard the voice of the Lord say WHOM SHALL I SEND Who will go for us and i said HERE I AM, SEND ME I said HERE I AM, SEND ME SEND ME Crowd singing the chorus: I will live the life I'll give it all for Jesus Christ I'll tell the world that You are God I will go Hear my battle cry Give me wings so I can fly And tell the world that You are God