We were the Reagan kids Our heroes didn't work like our daddies did They dazzled us with TV through sleepy lids We followed hulking maniacs to prozac nation "You can be anything, just get your education" We were good Christian kids Went to church on Sunday mornings like mama did Teenage love made us feel guilty and so we hid Under those overpasses on summer nights We'd tear each other's clothes off And get into fights Then we roared right through our twenties Never bargained for a crash Watched our hollow dreams get buried Under heaps of plastic trash Broken promises to children leave indelible impressions Welcome to the great depression We were our father's sons Playing war on weekend days with our plastic guns Catching up with who we were through the reruns "Eat your vitamins and say your prayers You'll become doctors, lawyers and millionaires" We were misguided girls Tried to fuck our way through such a distorted world Confusing love with sex and plastic with pearls "Get what you can for yourself, leave the rest behind" It's freedom forever 'til your card gets declined And we roared right through our twenties Never bargained for a crash Watching hollow dreams get buried Under heaps of plastic trash Broken promises to children leave indelible impressions Welcome to the great depression Did he die for your sins? Did he leave us for dead? If you wanted us safe why would you fuck with our heads? The factory's gone, the loans are foreclosed But there's some places left that remind me of home Just give me one place left that reminds me of home The lifeboat is looking pretty full If you find some room reach out and give me a pull The way we learned to live is fading fast I guess we never bargained for a crash