Behold the conversions Of an exalted seer, The signs of good fortune And omens of evil, Behold the odd images, Try to comprehend, Behold and remember, See and understand. See, I am the black eagle With golden wings, I am the lord of the sky, Terror of the field, See, I take what I want For I’m the one to rule, See how I rejoice Know that this is good. See, I am the black snake With golden head, See, I am cut open, See, I am dead, See how my head falls Chopped off by a sword, Know that the bad luck Is standing at your door. See, I am a shaman Saying words of might, But Tengri stays silent, His face is full of night, See, I’ve gone astray On a mountain trail, Know that evil spirits Are already on their way. See, I am the Son of Heaven Who reigns at dusk and dawn, Behold my shining sword, Behold my golden throne, See the people bow down Before my endless might, I bring luck and victory, I dispel the night.