Alienating everyone that once was close Punished wandering in no mans land Feeling how the madness still grows Ignorance holding stupidity's hand While the crime is still in progress Choirs of demons chant All your anger is channeled in to hate Not able to hide it in your heart Frustration I'm no true believer Soaking up Judas kiss Punished the lowest deceiver Hell would be paradise compared to this Gaining all my forces to reach for your crown Traveling through an endless psychotic storm Finding you caught with your guard down A victim out witted by the lowest form While the crime is still in progress Choirs of demons chant All your anger is channeled in to hate Not able to hide it in your heart Believing daemons fading away Making up for what I missed Stolen with years I had to pay Life's too short to walk around pissed While the crime is still in progress Choirs of demons chant All your anger is channeled in to hate Not able to hide it in your heart