Your bleeding eyes, within this misery Your vanished hopes through the history I can’t remember how many reasons Ran away from this, towards a promise land What is that pain pushing us into the carriage, chasing peace? Go! [Командарм велел – и точка The commander gave the marching order машет беленьким платочком Hand with white handkerchief waves Дона синяя рука Farewell to blue Don river] Throughout the seasons we cried for a dream The wind change rattle on this rails How many troubled men lay on this train? How many illusions they had to sell… [Командарм велел – и точка The commander gave the marching order машет беленьким платочком Hand with white handkerchief waves Дона синяя рука Farewell to blue Don river] That’s enough! Enough! The Soviet dream, the Soviet train will go far Illusions of freedom – We will destroy you Aware of this train, blowing and almighty Pride upon my face toward my last mirage With these certainties amidst the sweetest glory Step by step… truth after truth All things happen along this mystic rail All things happen through this revenge