Three shots rang out from a flat from neighboring building As i dove and roll i was thinking about pulling my .45 A galvanized steel gun that you can't buckle wth out reading Milky water probably saved my life I emptied a clip into the direction of my would be assassins Left a fist size divet in the sand stone facade I saw the chick run and another one i didn't recognize I knew they wouldn't miss again i better run If I want to get out of this town alive Damn, you should have wrote a book I abandoned the Corvette on the bad side of Bombay I knew in a half hour the car would be stripped to go Well damn thing never ran like it was supposed to anyways And they've been tracking me since I left Saigon And a recorded message came on the two way It said the fat man was gonna jump But it didn't say when The checked out on the outskirts of town You know the bad guys always And the good guys always win Damn, you should have wrote a book