Damh the Bard akordy a texty písní
- Lughnasadh Dance
- The Cauldron Born
- On Midwinter's Day
- Lady Of The Silver Wheel
- Pagan Ways
- Green And Grey
- Taliesin's Song
- Oak, Broom & Meadowsweet
- Morrighan
- The Hills they are Hollow
- The Mabon
- Merlin Am I
- Spirit of Albion
- Tomb Of The King
- Isis Unveiled
- Ever With Me
- Samhain Eve
- The Greenwood Grove
- Save Me
- The Wheel
- Lady in Black
- Willow's Song
- Brighid
- Ceridwen and Taliesin
- Noon Of The Solstice
- The Sun & The Rose
- Domeanna
- Grimspound
- On the Shoulders of Giants
- Silent Moon
- T Antlered Crown and Standing Stone
- T Branwen's Lament
- T Brighid
- T Ceridwen and Taliesin
- T Domeanna
- T Down in The Garden
- T Ever With Me
- Forgotten, Never Be
- T Green And Grey
- T Grimspound
- Imramma (A Soul Quest)
- T Iron from Stone
- T Isis Unveiled
- T John Barleycorn
- T Lady in Black
- T Lady Of The Silver Wheel
- Land, Sky and Sea
- T Lughnasadh Dance
- T Merlin Am I
- T Morrighan
- T Noon Of The Solstice
- T Oak, Broom & Meadowsweet
- T On Midwinter's Day
- T On the Shoulders of Giants
- T Only Human
- T Only Son
- T Pagan Ways
- T Sabbat
- T Samhain Eve
- T Save Me
- Scarborough Faire
- T Silent Moon
- Sons and Daughters (of Robin Hood)
- T Spirit of Albion
- T Taliesin's Song
- T The Cauldron Born
- T The Dreaming
- T The Greenwood Grove
- T The Hills they are Hollow
- T The January Man
- T The Land Of The Ever Young
- T The Mabon
- T The Sun & The Rose
- T The Voyage of Bran
- T The Wheel
- T The Wicker Man
- T The Winter King
- T Thundersbarrow Hill
- T Time Machine
- T Tomb Of The King
- T Under a Beltane Sun
- T When I Become The Moon
- T When You Were Born
- T Willow's Song
Antlered Crown and Standing Stone
The Cauldron Born
Spirit of Albion
The Hills they are Hollow