Son of a ghost Raw is the loss Lifeless...hamless Immortal...after all Invisible...invincible Lost! In the shade of my eyes Fear the damned ! Cross me and die! You'll find a reason To come to me I'll give you answers (when) You'll say that everything is over. Inside...hazy sight Darken...the longest night Injurious...impervious Lost! In the shade of my eyes Fear the damned! Cross me and die! You'll find a reason To come to me I'll give you answers (when) You'll say that everything is over. Lifeless...harmless Immortal...after all Lost! In the shade of my eyes Fear the damned! Cross me and die! You'll find a reason To come to me I'll give you answers (when) You'll say that everything is over. Son of a ghost Raw is the loss Son of a ghost For forever and ever lost.