{x4} Ooooh I Makes you wanna cry I see crabs climbing to be free Where dog eat dog is the royal decree Trust nobody Mayflower to teepee Over the meek sin wins since B.C You blame D.C I blame life She blames Allah He blames Christ We put out bounties We pay that price For green backs we back stab and won't think twice It's more money, more murder, more homicide Over dollar bills free will creates Amistad I'm a slave Hard to escape the cell And I ain't brave just because I moved to ATL Couldn't pay me well enough to sing your fairy-tales The cherry L I'm smokin' doesn't choke me like the very smell of life Raw and uncut Sex, drugs and gun lust Land of the unjust I see Men in chairs with suicidal tendencies and tears falling down They say that time heals I feel the years falling down Global warming, all the yields falling down Sisyphis is dead all the hills falling down Off to contemplate life, why my mama left me You f*cking right that's why I move like I'm a lefty Correctly, I hear that smoking herb might correct me f*ck a Zip Lock, put mine in a Hefty It's heavy, while my mind feels like a Chevy My mind feels, my mine fields like it's deadly Deadly Like death is my only option Go with daddy or be left for adoption Death is death though and life is a deadly toxin What goes around comes around unless you're heavy boxing Then you move in a square This life up and down like how you move on a stair Life isn't fair to that dude on the chair And you got no move on that shit like that dude Fred Astaire Yeah