Standing around in Oxford Street waiting for the bus 
When a copper stands beside me and says I'm nicked for sus 
"What the fuck you on about, I'm only standing here?" 
Then he hits me round the head and I start to shake with fear 

You're nicked 

So don't stand around in a crowded place 
And if you do, don't have a smile across your face 
Because if there is a copper wants to act right thick 
Then he'll come along and pull you in and lock you in the nick 

You're nicked 

Never let a copper search you in the street 
Because there're things they'll plant on you to make themselves look neat 
Anything from car keys to a drug that can't be used 
They'll drag you to the cells 'cause they've got fuck all else to do 

You're nicked (you're next) 

Standing in the court room denying every word 
The boy in blue is lying and the verdict is observed 
How can they find me guilty when I haven't done a thing? 
But the judge is so one sided that the copper's smiling