Back in 1864 On a cold November's morn The burning of Atlanta Was a sad and a dreary one For Sherman came a marching With a hundred thousand men And through the smoke Through the flames Over the cannon's roar [CHORUS] You could hear them rebels call We ain't scared of y'all We don't care what the Yankees say The South's gonna rise again We're tough as nails And you better turn tails And head back where they've been They took our beans And a fat back pony We've still got our Confederate money We don't care what the Yankees say The South's gonna rise again Johnny Reb's now in retreat But fighting till the end With nothing left but the burning past It's gone with the wind For Sherman gave the order Burn Atlanta to the ground And through the smoke Through the flames Over the cannon's roar [Repeat CHORUS] The war between the North and South Is just a memory The burning of Atlanta Has gone down as history But let us turn the pages back To the time of yesteryear When through the smoke Through the flames Over the cannon's roar [Repeat CHORUS]