There was an old woman, who in our town did dwell
Who loved her husband dearly, but another man twice as 
She went to the doctor to see what she could find
To see what she could find, sir, for to make her old 
man blind
Feed him eggs and marrow bones, feed them to him all
And you'll make you old man so blind that he won't see 
you at all
She fed him eggs and marrow bones. She fed them to him 
And she made her old man so blind that he couldn't see 
her at all
Now that I'm getting old and blind, I'm weary of my 
So I will go and drown myself, and that will end my 
To drown yourself to drown yourself, now that would be 
a sin
You just stand by the river bank and I will push you in
So the old woman, she took a running jump for to push 
the old man in
The old man he just stepped aside, and the old woman 
she fell in
"Save me, save me," the old woman she did call.
The old man said "I am so blind that I can't see you at 
She swam along, she swam along till she came to the 
river's brim
But the old man he got a big long pole, and he pushed 
her further in
So now the old woman is dead and gone, and the devil 
has got her soul
And wasn't she just a durned old fool, that she didn't 
grab that
Eggs, eggs and marrow bones will make your old man 
But if you want for to do him in, creep up from behind