Inspired by Matt 7:24-27, I Cor 3:9-15, Eph 2:19-22, I 
Tim 3:15, II Tim 2:19, I Peter 2:4-8, Isaiah 44:8b, I 
Peter 2:4-8 & Luke 6:46-49

Verse One: And so you're building a foundation  You 
build it 'pon the sand on a sunny day  But when the 
rain it falls it just wash away  CHORUS: To the 
Foundation  I'm going to the Foundation (Woy yoi)  To 
the Foundation  I'm going to the Foundation (Oh yeah)  
(VERSE ONE)  Verse Two: You wanna build a firm 
foundation  Then build it pon the rock listen what Jah 
say / So when the rain it falls it won't drift away  
(CHORUS)  Chat Chorus: So to the Foundation we're 
talking Foundation  And to the groundation in this here 
soundation  I say believe me man  Well listen everyone  
Well I want (the) whole of you to overstand the 
Foundation  What is the Foundation?  Christ is the 
Foundation  Who is the Foundation?  The Anointed One  
Believe me man  Well listen everyone  Well I want (the) 
whole of you to overstand the Foundation  (CHORUS)  He 
is the Stone that the builders refused  He is my Rock  
He's my Refuge  The Cornerstone that the builders 
refused  The capstone  He is my Refuge (Repeat)  ...So 
what you gonna do?  (VERSE TWO)  Lord is the Capstone!  
(CHAT CHORUS)  Yes! From Genesis straight to Revelation  
Well this is my meditation  The Crucifixion and 
Resurrection--Jesus died for each and every nation  
Well as a Christian you'll face great tribulation  And 
you'll struggle with temptation  But you got to know 
what your house (is) built upon  Be firm, firm in your 
salvation  (CHAT CHORUS) ...No bother build upon the 
sinking sand!  (CHORUS)  I wanna live upon the 