And he who dwells in the writings of the Most High (Psalm 1:2) Shall be transformed by the renewing of his mind (Rom 12:2) Yes he who dwells in the precepts of the Most High (Psalm 119:93) Shall be transformed, he will surely be made alive (2Cor 3:18). Words cannot express how much I am blessed every time I digest truth and righteousness (Psalm 119:2) Cannot explain how much I am changed by the power of His Name and I shall never be the same (1Cor 6:11) Cannot reveal the way that I feel I know it is real and I shall never conceal (Psalm 40-9-10) Cannot describe how I am made alive (Eph 2:4-5) And so by Your side I shall surely reside (Eph 2:6). CHORUS: Let the Word of God richly dwell within your heart (Col 3:16) With all wisdom, teaching, and admonishing one another (2X). (Chat Chorus). Words cannot express how I am truly blessed every time I digest the Father's righteousness (Psalm 1:1-2) Cannot relay how I feel when I pray (James 5:13) Although I cannot say I shall try anyway Cannot explain the way that I've changed (2Cor 5:17) Since me read everyday my whole love rearrange (1 Pet 2:2) Cannot divulge the truth that unfolds (John 8:32) So much joy I behold I am ready to explode (1 Peter 1:8) doong, la dee doong, la dee doong... Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs (Chorus). Bridge: With psalms and hymns and spiritual songs Singing with thanksgiving in your hearts to God (2X). Well I said how can a man and how can a woman ever stay pure? (Psalm 119:9) By living according to the statutes and the precepts of Your Word (Psalm 119:104) Your Word I have hidden in my heart so that I might not sin against You (Psalm 119:11) It's a lamp unto my feet and a light in everything I do (Psalm 119:105) So I will meditate and put my faith in You every day and night (Josh 1:8 & Psalm 119:97) Keep my hands and heart so pure and clean up inna the Father's (Psalm 24:4) Just like a tree that's planted by the riverside (Psalm 1:3) Your Word is living and active and it makes me so alive (Heb 4:12). (Chorus) (Bridge) (Chat Chorus).