On the first day of Quarantine This lockdown year gave me The virus Covid-19 On the second day of Quarantine This lockdown year gave me Blue rubber gloves And the virus Covid-19 On the third day of Quarantine This lockdown year gave me No more friends Blue rubber gloves And the virus Covid-19 On the fourth day of Quarantine This lockdown year gave me Uhhh.... Hoarding tendencies No more friends Blue rubber gloves And the virus Covid-19 On the fifth day of Quarantine This lockdown year gave me Remote learning Hoarding tendencies No more friends Blue rubber gloves And the virus Covid-19 On the sixth day of Quarantine This lockdown year gave me Murder hornets Remote learning Hoarding tendencies No more friends (My kids won't find me under the bed) And the virus Covid-19 On the seventh day of Quarantine This lockdown year gave me Doubt in my marriage Murder hornets Homeschololing HELL Hoarding tendencies No more friends Blue rubber gloves And the virus Covid-19 Oh, My God! On the eighth day of Quarantine This lockdown year gave me Panic disorders I haven't talk to my wifesince Tuesday Murder hornets Remote learning Kill me! I just bought 700 cans of soup... No more friends I just talk to myself all day... And the virus Covid-19 On the ninth day of Quarantine This lockdown year gave me My new love handles Panic disorders Doubt in my marriage Murder hornets iPad learning I mean really, how much am I paying for this??? Hoard all that toilet paper Friends? What are they? I think I'm allergic to latex... And the virus Covid-19 On the tenth day of Quarantine This messed up year gave me Dr Fauci My clothes don't fit anymore Panic disorders My therapist says this is normal MURDER HORNETS!!! Remote learning MAKE IT STOP! Hoarding tendencies Does anyone wanna hang out? I wear a mask. Stupid rubber gloves And the virus Covid-19 Whatever, I hate you!!! On the whatever day of Quarantine This messed up year gave me Harry-less Royals Dr Fauci My new fat handles Wash your hands! Wash your hands! Wash your hands! Doubt in my marriage Everything's fine, except... Murder hornets Remote learning OMG! Hoarding tendencies Nope! I don't know any friends. Blue rubber gloves And the virus Covid-19 On the twelfth day of Quarantine This F'd up year gave me A week long election Harry and Meghan moved to Colorado Anthony Fauci I just can't stop eating My wife may leave me Is that a murder hornet or a wasp? How the hell am I supposed to work and teach my kids at the same time? Reuse that toilet paper! I miss my friends! My hands are so sweaty! And the virus Covid-19