Diagnosed for another pill
Our Deaths for profit off of your ill will
One more friend one more family member
Another dollar for the corporate doctor
Here's a sample lets hope you get hooked
Here's your cure and the side effects book

I can't lose another friend
I won't lose another friend

To the Icy grip of prescription death
To the dead stacked below the profit margin
Legalized drug dealers in white coats
A gateway to a world of hurt
A chain reaction to another script
Another addict at your disposal

I can’t lose another friend
I wont lost another friend

One more empty shell drained of life
A fucking ghost of what you used to be
Another family ripped to pieces
Another loved one taken away

I tried to help
Maybe I walked away to soon
Maybe I was weaker than you
You just wanted help and all you got was a prescription death.

Drug dealers in white coats