Here we are at the start again, Stagnant once more. No movement forward. Arms crossed eyes blank are you still there? You live your life in the comments section Content to destroy from within Echo chamber that weakens our power Blank faces that say I've heard this before. We can no longer engage Without placing blame or fake outrage We've just become Each other's worst enemy Sharing ideas is not welcome here any longer We would rather attack than have each other's back It can be better than this, is this how we want it to be? We can no longer engage Without placing blame or fake outrage Stop our movement from going backward Smash the hive. Smash the hive More useless preaching to the converted choir Destroy the divide. Smash the hive We need to make this dangerous again And Take our ideas outside of our walls No more us vs us it’s us vs them We need to make this dangerous again No more us vs. Us - It’s us vs. Them