Woooahhhhhhooo! Woooooahhhhooo! I’m Riding High I’m Riding High Well I got on a plane to San Antoine Headed for places unknown I Took off from the ground about a 1000 miles an hour Headed for the outer zone When we got up about a mile or two Things were getting a lot clearer Looked back home at the planet earth It sure looked nice from here I’m Riding High (Riding) I’m Riding High (Riding High) I looked at the clock, it was half past noon And we were watching the sun go down There was a silver glow on the rim of the earth And then the night had come On this side of the planet everybody is asleep While I keep a watch from above Electric lights will keep us from the night And even while she must move I’m Riding High (High Yaa ahh) I’m Riding High (Riding High, Riding High) Being in space as you can imagine Is a lonely road to ride But it’s really neat You can see anything if high enough Riding the highway When you get down to your old hometown You got a hell of a point of view I’m Riding High I’m Riding High (Riding High) I’m Riding High I’m Riding High I’m Riding High I’m Riding High