Ground hog, oh ground hog.
How come your backs so brown?
How come your liven in the ground so darn long?
It’s a wonder I ain’t brown now, it’s a wonder I ain’t 

Red bird, red bird 
What makes your head so red?
How come pickin your corn all a day long?
It’s a wonder I ain’t dead, it’s a wonder I ain’t dead 
dead it’s a wonder I ain’t dead

Ooh Rattlesnake, Oh Rattlesnake
Well what makes your teeth so white?
How comin sittin in the son all a day long?

You’re lucky I don’t bite, you’re lucky I don’t bite 
bite, you’re lucky I don’t bite.
You’re lucky I don’t bite bite, you’re lucky I don’t 

Muskrat, oh Muskrat.
Ooh, why do you smell so bad?
How come liven in the ground all my life?
I’m bonafide if I had, I’m bonafide if I had had,
I’m bonafide if I had, I’m bonafide if I had had.