While we're repealing those gun laws let's repeal those 
murder laws too 
We don't want some government red tape telling us what 
to do 
The jails are full, there is no doubt 
We don't wanna let one of those drug fiends out 
And if those illegal aliens are killing each other now 
and then 
It's cheaper than educating them 
And it makes good sense to me 

I'm tired of all those PC liberals, tired of the fuss 
they've made 
Every time some family man's just called a spade a 
Clutter our TV's, clutter our courts 
Every time some dame gets a poke in the shorts 
I'll be damned if I'll do my job for a faggot or some 
foreign slob 
They can find some democrat to rob 
It makes good sense to me 

Arts endowments waste of my hard earned loot 
Adios NPR, howdy Jesse and Newt 

Now if some pretty little lady gets herself knocked up 
She'll have to have that baby just because we think she 
In who's sick mind did it ever occur 
That a choice like that should be up to her 
They're a godless bunch, a cross we bear 
But as soon as that little tike draws air 
We can wash our hands of the whole affair 
Makes good sense to me 

Our contract here is well defined 
We can leave this bullshit far behind 
With a stingy hand and a narrow mind 
Makes good sense 
Makes good sense 
Makes good sense to me