A sandcastle washed away by the waves, and your heart, 
swept away by the wind
You gave me plenty of words, but no answers
Every time a feeling of reflection comes, your footsteps 
I want to be a wind that crosses the sky, I want to be a 
sound that glides across the water
I want to be a colour that overflows with light
My voice, begging for something I don’t have, can’t do 
anything, so it just circles around
I’m alone, bobbing up and down in the waves
The light that stains the sky in a pale purple colour 
makes me a little nostalgic
When the sea breeze gives way to the calm of the night, 
I’ll launch a boat
It’s too late for reflections, but I’ll run to meet you
I want a rainbow that will stay in your heart, I want 
wings that will cross time
I want the words to say to you
I’ll become a little wave and envelop every nit of you
And then, swaying in the huge undulation
I’ll close my eyes (5x)
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