John Henry moved a mountain outta nothing but a hammer and sweat Well he beat that damn machinery down he said, “you ain’t seen nothing yet” Cause he had himself a woman, well she must have been something like you When you’re a man with a plan, got a hammer in your hand ain’t nothing you can’t do Chorus: When you’re the right man You’re the right man You’re the right man You’re the right man for the job Well there used to be a dude named Samson and he had himself some hair Every skinny cowboy at the Pyramid Bar said the gene pool just ain’t fair But he went down to the barber cause he had to wear a tux that night And even though he didn’t ook like Hanson y’all, he made Delilah giggle with delight Chorus 2: He was the right man He was the right man He was the right man Hew was the right man for the job Bridge: Well you loved yourself a carpenter, he never ever went to school He was thick as ol’ brown gravy and he had the wrong kind of tool Solo Well I ain’t got no big muscles and I ain’t got lots of hair And I ain’t no sheik from Arabia, just a fellow with some love to spare So if you come back here to Texas, girl, from wherever you’re at tonight I’m gonna kiss you like you’ve never been kissed before for the rest of your doggone life Chorus 3: Cause I’m the right man I’m the right man I’m the right man Yeah I’m the right man The right man for the job Chorus 4: I’m the right man I’m the right man I’m the right man I’m the right man The right man for the job