I thought it would get easier as I went along
To make ends meet at the ends of the songs
But I need new boots and you need new gloves
I'm getting' short on patience, and shy on love
For years I believe with an open heart
Now I'm just lookin' for the easy part

When I left that man there was a price to pay
Cause you don't make much on minimum wage
When you're back on your own with your life in tow
It'll cost you more then you would ever know
For years I believed with an open heart
Now I'm just lookin' for the easy part

I can't go back now I have left it behind
Getting ready to fly, I'm feelin' Streamline

There's flashin' signs on every street
There's flshin' eyes in every person I meet
There's a belief you can live by the things you own
Believin' in the lies told on t.v. shows
So why in this world of spiritual decay
Do some fall down by some fly away

I can't go back now I have left it behind
Getting ready to fly, I'm feelin' Streamline

Naomi's looking frail but her spirit is strong
'Cause she's 94 years and sill lives on her own
Yeah the world gets heavy but your arms get light
You're paring down getting ready for flight
For years she believed with an open heart
Now she's just lookin' at the easy part

She can't go back now she has left it behind
Getting read to fly, I'm feelin' Streamline
There's something shimmering like wild birds
People are moving in silence talking without words
Knowing seeing nothin' but still believing
For years I believe with an open heart
Now I'm just lookin' for the easy part

I can't go back now I have left it behind
Getting read to fly, I'm feeling Streamline