Sometimes I just give up trying
It seems like a lifetime
That I've been fighting
It was hard enough
Just getting out of bed today
I'd call someone but what on earth
Would I even say

Here in this airless space
No one to plead your pitiful case
Some call this thing the soul of sadness
Self-indulgence or a brilliant madness
All I know is I dying for air

Swimming just below the waves
I can see the sky
Looking darkly through the haze
The moon is drifting by
Then someone cuts the anchor
And slowly up I rise

An unwelcome guest in your home
That comes to stay and never wants goes
Not some much shadow but visitation
A haunting foreign movie with no translation

There's buzzing white noise in my head
Then sometimes so silent I'm almost dead
One true thing I hold to dear and fast
Is a voice that whispers
"Darlin' this too will pass