This is a story a very sad tale
Of intrigue and romance and electronic mail 
A dangerous form of information, and the perils of 
instant gratification
How many times did I hit my Mac want to crawl inside 
and take the 
whole thing back 
But its no use say it again and again 
Don't push send

Carol wrote about her job's frustrations 
What drove her crazy with aggravation
A list of every person's faults,
Precise and pithy, wry insults
She sent it off to her best friend
But saw with horror as she pushed send 
She hit the keys and began to roar
She'd she'd copied the entire office floor

Chorus: Don't push send
Don’t push send
There are things that you just can amend
I tell myself again and again
Don't push send

Katherine wrote a note to her husband Ben
Using their pet names and vowing devotion 
She said meet me at home in a little while
I'll be there waiting, wearing nothing but a smile
But then she goes her answer from his great granddad 
lee. Saying
" I don't think that this was meant for me" It was 
nice, but I'll forward it 
to my great grandson, it's been years since anybody 
called me sugar 

The day was tough the week had really been somethin' 
Jane got a message that pushed her buttons
She shot back as if her words were guns
Capitalizing every single one
 She should have waited she should know 
E-mail doesn't mix with merlot
She had to write back as you could guess 
Plead e-mail recklessness and PMS

Just stop and think when I'm on the brink 
Walk away from your computer
Cause you can bet I' will regret
And feel like such a loser

After opposing counsel acted like jerks
Joe got a letter from his law partner at work 
He meant to make a changes, cut and paste 
But sent it off in his efficient haste
He tried to delete, he tried to stop the note
But the letter had flown and that was all she wrote 
The message was polite with professional class 
But the subject line still said "what a ass"
