Sof, du lilla videung; än så är det vinter. Än så sofva björk och ljung, ros och hyacinther. Än så är det långt till vår, Innan rönn i blomma står. Sof, du lilla videung, än så är det vinter. ("Sleep, you little willow young; still it is the winter. So sleep yet, birch and roses, hyacinths and heather. For it's long until the spring, Ere the rowans flowers bring. Sleep, you little willow young, for it's still the winter.") Sunshine continues: "When I gaze at you, the sap begins to rise out into your fine bark, you get warm around your frozen heart, and feel something in the air, which tells you the spring is coming. Yes, so is it (sings:) Solskens öga ser på dig; solskens famn dig vaggar. Snart blir grönt på skogens stig, snart hvar blomma flaggar. Än en liten solskensbön: Vide liten blir så grön. Solskens öga ser dig; solskens famn dig vaggar. ("Eye of Sunshine gaze at you; in Sunshine's lap you rock. Soon will green the forest path, raising every bloom aloft. Yet a little Sunshine-plea: Willow little, be so green. Eye of Sunshine gaze at you; in Sunshine's lap you rock.")