A stream like crystal it flows down It's clear for to be seen And it's there you'll find the Irish oak Trimmed with the ivy green Where the shamrock and thistle grow The lily too beside And they flourish all together, boys Along the Faughan side Well it's just three miles from Derry to The bridge of Durham And it's there I spent some happy days I'll have you all to know Where lambs do sport, fair maids do court And small fish gently glide There's a blooming spring on a May morning Along the Faughan side Well, if you could see this lovely place all in the summer time Each bush and tree they looked so gay, each meadow in it's prime The blackbird and the golden thrush sing there the live long day Oh, but now I have a notion of going to Ameri-cay Oh, the leaving of this lovely place It grieves my heart full sore And the leaving of my own true love, sure It grieves me ten times more But if ever I return again, Well it's her I'd make my bride And I'd will roll her in my arms, boys Along the Faughan side