In love I turn the world upside down
Wiped many a tear in the path of love
Blood is the water of life down here on my own
Yes I was scared in your house without doors

And I aint no monkey
And I don't like the way you love me
Something there's been lost

Here on my own like a bird without wings
(What is fairer?)
For the sake of your soul tear out your jugular vain

When your lonely and sad and ya haven't got a friend
Can't ya hear my crying can't ya see the state I'm in?
I'm leaving all of loves ashes and memories behind me
When I go

When life should go have no fear
If life should go she'd no tears... 

For the lies that I told I cannot be excused
For what I told in hopes not to lose

I'm leaving all of loves ashes and memories behind me
Cause something there's been lost... 

Got my signals crossed cause something there's been lost