Cage akordy a texty písní
- To Save Love
- It Can't Be
- Tomorrow Never Came
- Sinister Six
- Christ Protect Me
- I Have Awakened
- Symphony of Sin
- The Antidote
- Cassandra
- The Procedure
- The Expedition
- Blinded by Rage
- There Were Others
- Beholder
- Ancient Evil
- The Appetite
- Behind the Walls of Newgate
- Across the Sea of Madness
- Tell Me Everything
- T Across the Sea of Madness
- T Ancient Evil
- T Behind the Walls of Newgate
- T Beholder
- T Blinded by Rage
- T Cassandra
- T Christ Protect Me
- T I Have Awakened
- T It Can't Be
- T Sinister Six
- T Symphony of Sin
- Tell Me Everything
- T The Antidote
- T The Appetite
- T The Expedition
- T The Procedure
- T There Were Others
- T To Save Love
- T Tomorrow Never Came
Ancient Evil
- 1 There Were Others
- 2 Ancient Evil
- 3 Behind the Walls of Newgate
- 4 The Procedure
- 5 The Appetite
- 6 Cassandra
- 7 Blinded by Rage
- 8 Tell Me Everything
- 9 The Expedition
- 10 Beholder
- 11 I Have Awakened
- 12 Across the Sea of Madness
- 13 To Save Love
- 14 Christ Protect Me
- 15 Sinister Six
- 16 Symphony of Sin
- 17 The Antidote
- 18 Tomorrow Never Came
- 19 It Can't Be