Yo, I´m chilln with my friend Devine
und we made some vocal, happy shows.
And I want to make one.
I say king Kors, you say Kors is One.
King Kors.
Was, du hast....
Komm doch mal her alter.
I say Kors is King, you say Kors is One.
Kors is king.
Kors is One.
Kors is king.
Kors is One.
I say One is Kors, you say Kors is One.
One is Kors.
I say Kors, you say Kors One.
Yo, jetzt the left crowd.
I say Kors, you say is Kors.
Ts, is Kors, du Idiot, man.
Es ist right crowd and next the middle crowd.
Eh...left crowd, i say Kors, you say Kors is real.
Kors real.
Ey, das kannst du nicht, das ist dumm dafür, alter.
Was machst du denn, mitquatschen hin.