Breathe Carolina akordy a texty písní
- Down
- Take Me To Infinity
- Blackout
- Have You Ever Danced?
- Billie Jean
- I.D.G.A.F.
- Bury Me
- Bang It Out
- My Obsession
- Please Don't Say
- See You Again
- Edge Of Heaven
- Put Some Clothes On
- Waiting
- With Or Without You
- Skeletons
- Can I take you home?
- Take It Back
- Lovely
- Dressed Up To Undress
- Hit And Run
- The Dressing Room
- Show Me Yours
- Sellouts
- Lauren's Song
- You Wish
- Last Night (Vegas)
- That's Classy
- Velvet
- The Introduction
- T Bang It Out
- T Better
- T Billie Jean
- T Blackout
- T Bury Me
- T Can I take you home?
- T Classified
- T Collide
- T Dead
- T Diamonds
- T Don't Forget: Lock The Door
- T Down
- T Dressed Up To Undress
- T Drive
- T Edge Of Heaven
- T Find It
- T Get Off Easy
- T Gone So Long
- T Gossip
- T Have You Ever Danced?
- T Hello Fascination
- T Hit And Run
- T Chasing Hearts
- T Chasing Hearts
- T Chemicals
- T I Don't Know What I'm Doing
- T I Have To Go Return Some Video Tapes
- T I.D.G.A.F.
- T I'm The Type Of Person To Take It Personal
- T In the Dark
- T Interlude
- T July
- T Last Night (Vegas)
- T Lauren's Song
- T Like This
- T Lovely
- T Mile High Christmas
- T Mistakes
- T My Obsession
- T No Vacancy
- T Please Don't Say
- T Put Some Clothes On
- T Reaching For The Floor
- T Rebirth: An Introduction
- T Rescue
- T Savages
- T See You Again
- T Sellouts
- T Shadows
- T Shots Fired
- T Show Me Yours
- T Skeletons
- T Snowed In
- T Sweat It Out
- T Take It Back
- T Take Me To Infinity
- T That's Classy
- T The Birds And The Bees
- T The Dressing Room
- T The Introduction
- T They Say You Won't Come Back
- T Think About You
- T Too Good
- T Tripped And Fell In Portland
- T Velvet
- T Waiting
- T Welcome To Savannah
- T With Or Without You
- T Wooly
- You Wish
- 1 Too Good
- 2 Like This
- 3 July
- 4 Better
- 5 Interlude
- 6 Drive
- 7 In the Dark
- 8 Dead
- 9 Find It
- 10 Think About You
- 1 Bury Me
- 2 Bang It Out
- 3 Sellouts
- 4 Shots Fired
- 5 Collide
- 6 Please Don't Say
- 7 Shadows
- 8 Savages
- 9 Chasing Hearts
- 10 I Don't Know What I'm Doing
- 11 Mistakes
Hell Is What You Make It
- 1 Blackout
Hello Fascination
It's Classy, Not Classic
- 1 The Introduction
- 2 No Vacancy
- 3 Show Me Yours
- 4 The Birds And The Bees
- 5 Classified
- 6 Gossip
- 7 That's Classy
- 8 Diamonds
- 9 You Wish
- 10 Lovely
- 11 Put Some Clothes On