I opened my eyes, look at the clock, It says eight fifteen, Stumble out of bed, fumble down the hall, Still half asleep. Opened up a window, opened up the paper, And put some coffee on, grab two cups, Oh yeah, you're gone. Shower and shave, take a little time to read the news, Sort through the mail, See something about some sale they're having on women's shoes, Billy's band is playing at the Canyon club on Friday, I bet they sing our song, maybe we can go, Oh year, you're gone. This is gonna take some getting used to baby, I'm gonna need more time, Cause I still say us when I ought to say me, I still say ours instead of mine, Every plan I make, every road I take, I still see you riding along, Then suddenly it hits me, Oh yeah, you're gone. This is gonna take some getting used to baby, I think I need more time, Because I still say us, when I ought to say me, I still say ours instead of mine, Every plan I make, every road I take, I still see you riding alone, Then suddenly it hits me, Oh yeah, you're gone. Oh there ain't no doubt about it baby, Oh yeah, you're gone.