Beef what a relief 
When will this poisonous product cease? 
This is another public service announcement 
You can believe it  or you can doubt it 
Let us begin now with the cow 
The way it gets to your plate and how 
The cow doesn't grow fast enough for man 

So through his greed he makes a faster plan 
He has drugs to make the cow grow quicker 
Through the stress the cow gets sicker 
Twenty one different drugs are pumped 
Into the cow in one big lump 
So just before it dies, it cries 

In the slaughterhouse full of germs and flies 
Off with the head, they pack it, drain it, and cart it 
And there it is, in your local supermarket 
Red and bloody, a corpse, neatly packed 
And you wonder about heart attacks? 
Come on now man let's be for real 
You are what you eat is the way I feel 

But, the Food and Drug Administration 
Will tell you meat is the perfect combination 
See cows live under fear and stress 
Trying to think what's gonna happen next 
Fear and stress can become a part of you 
In your cells and blood, this is true 
So when the cow is killed, believe it 

You preserve those cells, you freeze it 
Thaw it out with the blood and season it 
Then you sit down and begin eatin it 
In your body, it's structure becomes your structure 
All the fear and stress of another 
Any drug is addictive by any name 
Even drugs in meat, they are the same 

The FDA has America strung out 
On drugs in beef no doubt 
So if you think that what I say is a bunch of crock 
Tell yourself you're gonna try and stop 
Eatin meat and you'll see you can't compete 
It's the number one drug on the street 
Not crack, cause that was made for just black 
But brown beef, for all American teeth 

Life brings life and death brings death 
Keep on eatin the dead and what's left 
Absolute disease and negative 
Read the book 'How to Eat to Live' 
By Elijah Muhammad, it's a brown paperback 
For anybody, either white or black 

See how many cows must be pumped up fatter 
How many rats gotta fall in the batter 
How many chickens that eat shit you eat 
How much high blood pressure you get from pig feet 
See you'll consume, the FDA could care less 
They'll sell you donkey meat and say it's 
FRESH! For nineteen-ninety, you SUCKERS