Oh, I'm gonna -- I'm gonna forget about you Oh, baby! -- You're drying to be crazy, listen -- I didn't sleep, awake for all night long waiting by my telephone -- You said you'd call me about a quarter to ten But you went and stood me up again I don't know what you're gonna do -- Ohm baby! I'm gonna forget about you Don't try tell me that ya saw it Whooooaaaa! -- Gimme that same old line! "I know boy -- if I take you back You'd make me lose my my mind!" Oh, I'm gonna -- I'm gonna forget about you Ohhh, Sometimes Listen I'm gonna snatch your picture of my wall and then I'm going on out and have myself a ball -- too many fishes in the deep blue sea That's what ya doin girl for me to let you make a fool out of me I don't know what you're gonna do but I'm gonna forget about you You're drivin me so tired and blue Oh, I'm gonna -- I'm gonna forget about you [background singers chorus 4x]