Bikini Kill akordy a texty písní
- Rebel Girl
- This is not a Test
- Feels Blind
- Carnival
- Demirep
- Bloody Ice Cream
- Double Dare Ya
- I Like Fucking
- Rah! Rah! Replica
- White Boy
- Thurston Hearts the Who
- Finale
- Star Bellied Boy
- Don't Need You
- Candy
- R.I.P.
- Magnet
- Strawberry Julius
- Liar
- Suck My Left One
- New Radio
- Star Fish
- Jet Ski
- Jigsaw Youth
- Anti-Pleasure Dissertation
- Blood One
- Outta Me
- Sugar
- For Only
- Speed Heart
- T Alien She
- T Anti-Pleasure Dissertation
- T Blood One
- T Bloody Ice Cream
- T Candy
- T Capri Pants
- T Carnival
- Daddy's L'il Girl
- T Demirep
- T Distinct Complicity
- T Don't Need You
- T Double Dare Ya
- T False Start
- T Feels Blind
- T Finale
- T For Only
- T For Tammy Rae
- T Hamster Baby
- T I Hate Danger
- T I Like Fucking
- T In Accordance to Natural Law
- T Jet Ski
- T Jigsaw Youth
- T Liar
- T Lil' Red
- T Magnet
- T New Radio
- T No Backrub
- T Outta Me
- T R.I.P.
- T Rah! Rah! Replica
- T Rebel Girl
- T Reject All American
- T Resist Psychic Death
- T Speed Heart
- T Star Bellied Boy
- T Star Fish
- T Statement of Vindication
- T Strawberry Julius
- T Suck My Left One
- T Sugar
- T Tell Me So
- T This is not a Test
- T Thurston Hearts the Who
- T Tony Randall
- T White Boy
The Singles
Reject All American
- 1 Statement of Vindication
- 2 Capri Pants
- 3 Jet Ski
- 4 Distinct Complicity
- 5 False Start
- 6 R.I.P.
- 7 No Backrub
- 8 Bloody Ice Cream
- 9 For Only
- 10 Tony Randall
- 11 Reject All American
- 12 Finale
The Anti-Pleasure Dissertation
The C.D. Version of the First Two Records
- 1 Double Dare Ya
- 2 Liar
- 3 Carnival
- 4 Suck My Left One
- 5 Feels Blind
- 6 Thurston Hearts the Who
- 7 White Boy
- 8 This is not a Test
- 9 Don't Need You
- 10 Jigsaw Youth
- 11 Resist Psychic Death
- 12 Rebel Girl
- 13 Outta Me
Pussy Whipped
- 1 Blood One
- 2 Alien She
- 3 Magnet
- 4 Speed Heart
- 5 Lil' Red
- 6 Tell Me So
- 7 Sugar
- 8 Star Bellied Boy
- 9 Hamster Baby
- 10 Rebel Girl
- 11 Star Fish
- 12 For Tammy Rae
New Radio
- 1 New Radio
- 2 Rebel Girl
- 3 Demirep
Bikini Kill
Revolution Girl Style Now!