Circle me - Samael Circle me - Lilith Circle me - Azazel Circle me - the King You who laid down your bloody hand on my shoulder The feeling it left is deeply rooted in the heart and riverbeds of the soul From where it shall never disappear Circle me - Samael Circle me - Lilith Circle me - Azazel Circle me - the master Open the path to the nightside thrones Embody your spirit in me The flaming triangle: Father, mother and son My body is the flesh-temple Of Zabulus the king! Let me drink your crimson wine From the cup of damnation It is like death, the well of the netherworld Boiling, full of grief and pain But i have to walk to the end Search for your lost wisdoms Explore every cave It will be joyless, it will be lightless... And it will be a lonesome journey Everything dies in your hands, as do I I'll Vanish in your seas From where i'll rise once more So be it... I'll walk with my body whipped Along on your black sinister path Carrying the cross of Saturn On the withered leaves of life Circle me - Samael Circle me - Lilith Circle me - Azazel Circle me - in the void