i am Sean Paul I was big back in two-thousand three
How'd you get on my phone?
We used to date don't act like you do not know me
So now in order to gain relevance with teens
I'm gonna ruin your new song with my singing
God no
I call my squad (Hey)
Girls we got a problem (What?)
Has-been Sean Paul is getting featured in
Our new hit pop song "Hair"
That can't be it's not fair no?
Check out this pics
Can't believe you dated
There's just one thing to do now get wasted
This is like a nightmare
Hey look there
I just saw Sean Paul out there
I'm sure it was him I swear!
I don't see him anywhere
I hope they don't look down there
We're just another generic pop group
Created and managed by Simon Cowell
My next cash cow cos One Direction sucks now
But good pop groups always have six members
We're just a low-budget Fifth Harmony
Like 98 degrees was to Nsync and Backstreet
Pizza guy's here! (OK)
Why did we order this many pizzas?
Hey it's Sean Paul
Ew get out you geezer!
This song's ours get lost
Let Sean da Paul be involved
Maybe if we give ourselves haircuts Sean Paul will not recognize us
And he'll get out our hair
I'll also cut down there
i have got to get in there
Get my hands on all their hair and cover my head that's bare
So they'll think I am younger
Three of us look like perky teenagers
But I look like I'm at least forty-one
Cos she's my mom
Shhh be quiet just act young!
Who are you?
I am the electrician
I'm here to fix the electricity
Ew it is Sean P!
Jerk get out of our song please!

Yo yo!
Leave us alone!
Why are you being such a hater?
You're trying to ruin our song!
No, I'm in Jamaica
As you can see I'm in a tropical location
i'm definitely not just hiding in your kitchen
If someone's trying to get in your house it's not me
Then who's the douchebag in my kitchen with a green screen?
That is the final straw you freak stop with the stalking!
Don't lock the door I just want your hair cos I'm balding!
We've got to call the cops on that weirdo!
911? This is an emergency
We need help please
I'm sending the police
What seems to be the problem ladies?
Sean Paul broke in the house to steal our hair
Make him disappear!
Where is he? He's in there
Sean Paul
So mi go so den
I stuck a your hair to a my head with glue
Now I look like I am twenty two
Can I now be in a dis vid wit you?