Leave, the corralled heaving plebe Before the gates close upon crying herds Men farms lost their illusive comfort Time to exfiltrate ferments of recursion Newfound breakaway tribes Living vault in mimicry Behind deceiving primal decoys In apparent inexistence Specters quietly ease An obscure design woven through the vines Endless recurrence of odd dreams Apprentices in awakening, awaiting... Understand their distrust Just wait for the call Spirits murmuring higher and higher Becoming beacons of illumination, And that since the time heavens were at war To keep the lore alive Living vault, laying in mimicry Behind deceiving primal decoys In apparent inexistence Any hole becomes residence Just wait in silence, hear the verdict A stone rolling sideways A burrow for them to crawl down A calling gesture from under the roots Acknowledged apprentices enter the realm Spirits murmuring higher and higher Becoming beacons of illumination, And that since the time heavens were at war