Atari Terror akordy a texty písní
- Attention
- Motofoko
- War
- Carramba
- Sky Burning
- Bleeding Tree
- Chosen One
- Honey Honey
- Airbag Death
- Wonderful Underground
- Sweetest Pie
- Only
- Fight for Your Country
- Eve
- Stuck to the Tit
- Bright Sun
- Wall
- This Is the Day
- The Wicked Hand
- The Beginning
- Great Pain
- Sobriety
- Divine Termination
- Cereal Killer
- Ghost of the Bloodbath
- Oh My God
- Dance Machine
- Mother
- J´taime
- Amen
- T Airbag Death
- Amen
- T Attention
- T Bleeding Tree
- Bright Sun
- T Carramba
- Cereal Killer
- Dance Machine
- Divine Termination
- T Eve
- T Fight for Your Country
- Ghost of the Bloodbath
- Great Pain
- T Honey Honey
- T Chosen One
- Insane
- J´taime
- Mother
- T Motofoko
- T Oh My God
- T Only
- T Sky Burning
- Sobriety
- Stuck to the Tit
- T Sweetest Pie
- The Beginning
- The Wicked Hand
- This Is the Day
- Wall
- T War
- T Wonderful Underground
Part 3: Final Warning
- 1 Eve
- 2 Ghost of the Bloodbath
- 3 Bright Sun
- 4 Mother
- 5 Insane
- 6 Oh My God
- 7 Stuck to the Tit
- 8 Great Pain
- 9 Cereal Killer
- 10 Dance Machine
- 11 This Is the Day
- 12 The Wicked Hand
Part 4: Divine Termination
- 1 Sobriety
- 2 J´taime
- 3 Divine Termination
- 4 Amen
- 5 Wall
Part 2: Attention
- 1 The Beginning
- 2 Attention
- 3 Wonderful Underground
- 4 Motofoko
- 5 Chosen One
- 6 Only
- 7 Airbag Death
- 8 Fight for Your Country
- 9 Honey Honey
- 10 Sweetest Pie
- 11 Sky Burning
- 12 Carramba
- 13 War
- 14 Bleeding Tree