Ataraxia akordy a texty písní
- Nosce Te Ipsum
- Mundus Est Jocundum (Carmina Burana)
- Mundus Furibundus (Carmina Burana)
- Satis Vixi
- Annabell Lee
- Zelia
- Agharti
- Aigues Mortes
- Mu-Land
- The Early Days
- Torquemada
- Scarlet Leaves
- Verdigis Wounds
- Le Ore Rosa Di Mazenderau
- Flora
- Rocking Chair Of Dreams
- Li Frere Li Mestre Du Temple
- The Land Of Sand Of Gold Of Ruin
- Shelmerdine
- Of Snow and Sapphires
- Of Asphodel
- Ochram
- Oenoe
- Ondine
- Oduarpa
- Oh rhadamante
- Orlando (A Female)
- Ophelie
- Orlando (...A Male)
- Ode A Dioniso
- A Calliope
- A Green for Her Voice
- A l'aube
- A votre guise!
- Absorbed
- Acquarello
- Aetas Aurea
- T Agharti
- Agnus Dei
- T Aigues Mortes
- Alexandria Part I
- Alexandria Pt. 2
- Alsicon
- Amethyst
- Andy Laverine
- T Annabell Lee
- T Anno Domini Mdlvi
- Antinea
- T Aperlae
- Aqua Mater
- T Aquarello
- Arcana Eco
- T Astimelusa
- T Astraea
- Aura Magi
- Azar
- T Belle Jolande
- Belle Rose Porporine
- Bienvenue à l'enfer!
- T Blanche
- T Bleumarine
- Blood of Cherries
- T Bonthrop
- Borea
- Canzona
- Clytaemestra
- T Cobalt
- Coelestis
- D'arc d'harpe
- T Daytia
- De pourpre et d'argent
- Delphi
- T Departure
- Dolphins
- Donc, Je Dois Être Morte
- Donc, Je Dois Etre Morte!
- Dragged by the Mood
- Dulcamara
- Dusky Daphne (1988-2017)
- Eaudelamer
- Ebur
- Efestia
- T Elevazione
- T Eleven
- Elfine
- Elldamaar - Part 1
- Elldamaar - Part 2
- Emeraude
- Ena
- T Encrucijada
- Entrata Solenne
- Espirito Del Agua
- T Etretat
- Evnyssien
- Fengari
- Fila la lana
- T Filava Melis
- T Flée Et Fabian
- T Flora
- T Fountains
- T Fuga Trionfale
- Funeral in Dacia
- Galatia
- Galen
- Gayatri Mantra
- Gloomy Sunday
- Grace Rhythm
- Greener Than Grass
- Gria Vathra
- T Histrionia
- Hlara Aralh
- Hommage Funèbre
- Hovering
- Hummingbirds
- T Hydra Hyali
- Chiron Quartz
- I Am
- T I Love Every Waving Thing
- Ieros
- Ignis Pater
- T Il Bagatto
- Il Violino Incantato
- In (K) Meditation
- In Articulo Mortis
- Incabala
- T Inno Corale
- Innocence (The Same or a New One)
- Jardin de lune
- Jarem Gitti
- Jarem Gitti [Remastered]
- T June
- Kastamonu
- Kaviria
- Keladine
- Klepsydra
- Klethra
- Kremasta Nera
- L. Lazarus
- L'ultimo arazzo
- La fame e la danza
- La Lira D'Apollo
- La reine des hommes aux yeux vertes
- La Reine Des Hommes Aux Yeux Verts
- La Vista Del Bardo
- La'awiyah
- Le marchand de nuages
- Le Nozze di Yis
- Le Ore Rosa Di Mazenderan
- T Le Ore Rosa Di Mazenderau
- Le saltimbanque decrepit
- Les tisseuses lunaires
- T Li Frere Li Mestre Du Temple
- T Ligeia
- Llyr
- Longtemps pierrette d'orient
- T Lost Atlantis
- Lost Cosmonaut
- T Lubna
- T Lucrecia
- Lucretia
- Lunar Oceans
- Magnificat
- T Marcia Cerimoniale
- May
- May She Become
- May, 16th 1980
- T Medusa
- Melisanda
- Message To The Clouds
- Migratio Animae
- T Mnemosine
- T Mon Âme Sorcière
- Mon cher toutou...
- T Mu-Land
- Mundus Est Jocundum
- T Mundus Est Jocundum (Carmina Burana)
- Mundus Furibundus
- T Mundus Furibundus (Carmina Burana)
- My Lips Blow You Wind
- Myrrh
- N'importe ou!
- Nei Sotterranei Dell'opera
- T Nemrut Dagi
- Nevenhir
- Nocturnal
- Nocturnal Euthanasia
- T Nosce Te Ipsum
- Nox Incubat
- T Ode
- Ode A Dioniso
- Ode Ad Afrodite
- T Oduarpa
- Oenoe
- Of Asphodel
- Of Snow and Sapphires
- Oh rhadamante
- Ochram
- T Ondine
- T Ophelie
- Orlando (...A Male)
- Orlando (A Female)
- Orlando (A Male)
- Orlando A Male
- Oruphal
- Ou vont les chiens?
- Outremer
- Ozoonhas
- Ozymandias
- Parti De Mal
- Pastorale
- Petite chanson lycanthrope
- Phoebe
- Prayer Of The Archangel
- Preghiera
- T Preludio
- Prophetia
- Proselanae
- Purity Movement
- Quintaluna
- Rashan
- Requiem (1998-2017)
- T Rocking Chair Of Dreams
- Roi Richart
- Rose Of The Wild Forces
- Rosso Sangue
- Rue - Bleue
- Saderaladon
- T Satis Vixi
- Scarborough Fair
- T Scarlet Leaves
- Sea Of The Moon
- Sei L'oro Che Ti Veste
- Sendero en Lago Verde
- She-He Renewed
- T Shelmerdine
- Sigillat
- Sikia
- Sous La Coupole Spleenetique Du Ciel
- Sublimatio
- T Sybil
- Synchronicity Embraced
- Tango des-astres
- Temenos
- Tempus Est Jocundum
- Teuflische Mosaikarbeit
- The Bay Is White In Silent Light
- The Bleeding Trunk
- T The Corals of Aqaba
- T The Early Days
- The Garden of Cyrus (1992-2016)
- The Gentle Sleep
- T The Land Of Sand Of Gold Of Ruin
- The Nine Rituals
- The Ocean Green
- The Song of Axieros
- The Source
- Therma
- This Is No Country for Old Men
- To Be Without Being
- T Torquemada
- Truth Explored
- T Tu Es La Force Du Silence
- Ubiquity
- T Verdigis Wounds
- Verdigris Wounds
- Vertical
- T Vespertilia
- Veules les roses
- Viriditas
- T Vitrage
- Where the Sea Turns into Gold
- Whisky Bar
- Whisper O'er The Sea
- Wings (I Had Once)
- T Zelia
- Zut!
- Zweistimmenstäuschung
- 1 The Source
- 2 Aetas Aurea
- 3 Proselanae
- 4 Nox Incubat
- 5 Aqua Mater
- 6 Galen
- 7 Viriditas
- 8 Ignis Pater
- 9 Of Snow and Sapphires
- 10 Coelestis
- 1 Galen
Pomegranate (The Chant of the Elementals)
- 1 Hlara Aralh
- 2 Oruphal
- 3 Ozoonhas
- 4 Nevenhir
- 5 Ode Ad Afrodite
- 6 Ode A Dioniso
- 7 Aura Magi
- 8 Hummingbirds
- 9 Amethyst
Synchronicity Embraced
Deep Blue Firmament
- 1 Delphi
- 2 Message To The Clouds
- 3 Greener Than Grass
- 4 Myrrh
- 5 Alexandria Part I
- 6 Rosso Sangue
- 7 Galatia
- 8 May
- 9 Vertical
- 10 Ubiquity
- 11 Phoebe
- 12 Alexandria Pt. 2
Oil On Canvas Vol. 2
Wind at Mount Elo
Spasms (Sous La Coupole Spleenétique Du Ciel)
- 1 Sigillat
- 2 Scarborough Fair
- 3 Quintaluna
- 4 Llyr
- 5 Elldamaar - Part 1
- 6 Evnyssien
- 7 Klepsydra
- 8 Elldamaar - Part 2
- 9 Gayatri Mantra
- 10 Borea
Oil On Canvas
Kremasta Nera
- 1 The Song of Axieros
- 2 The Nine Rituals
- 3 Kremasta Nera
- 4 Ochram
- 5 Therma
- 6 Efestia
- 7 Ebur
- 8 Kaviria
- 9 Fengari
- 10 Klethra
- 11 Gria Vathra
- 12 Migratio Animae
- 13 Wings (I Had Once)
- 14 La fame e la danza
Sous Le Blanc Rosier
- 1 Hovering
- 2 Lucretia
- 3 Orlando A Male
- 4 The Gentle Sleep
- 5 Blanche
- 6 Bonthrop
- 7 La Lira D'Apollo
- 8 Cobalt
- 9 Il Violino Incantato
- 10 Etretat
- 11 Migratio Animae
- 12 Antinea
- 13 Belle Jolande
- 14 Agharti
- 15 Filava Melis
- 16 Incabala
- 17 Mnemosine
- 18 Nei Sotterranei Dell'opera
- 19 Outremer
- 20 Alsicon
- 21 Keladine
- 22 To Be Without Being
Paris Spleen
Des paroles blanches
- 1 Etretat
- 2 Veules les roses
- 3 Hovering
Mon Seul Désir
- 1 Parti De Mal
- 2 Saderaladon
- 3 Belle Jolande
- 4 Il Bagatto
- 5 Melisanda
- 6 Mon Âme Sorcière
- 7 Eleven
- 8 Mnemosine
- 9 I Love Every Waving Thing
- 10 Encrucijada
- 11 Funeral in Dacia
- 12 The Corals of Aqaba
- 13 Nemrut Dagi
A Calliope ... Collection
Lost Atlantis
- 1 The Early Days
- 2 Daytia
- 3 Aperlae
- 4 Dolphins
- 5 Agharti
- 6 Fountains
- 7 Mu-Land
- 8 Oduarpa
- 9 Lost Atlantis
- 10 The Land Of Sand Of Gold Of Ruin
- 11 Departure
La malediction d'ondine
Simphonia Sine Nomine
- 1 Preludio
- 2 Entrata Solenne
- 3 Canzona
- 4 Inno Corale
- 5 Fuga Trionfale
- 6 Preghiera
- 7 Marcia Cerimoniale
- 8 Elevazione
- 9 Pastorale
- 10 Ode
- 11 Vespertilia
Ad Perpetuam Rei Memoriam
Nosce te ipsum