Quiet nights of quiet stars 
quiet chords from my guitar 
floating on the silence that surrounds us 

Quiet thoughts and quiet dreams 
Quiet walks by quiet streams 
and a window that looks out on Corcovado 
Oh, how lovely 

Um cantihno, Um violгo (A sweet song, a guitar)
Este amor, Uma canзгo (This love, A song)
P'ra fazer feliz a quem se ama (To make happy whom is loved.)

Muita calma p'ra pensar (Much calm to think) 
E ter tempo p'ra sonhar (And have time to dream) 
Da janela vк-se o Corcovado (From the window, Corcovado can be seen) 
O Redentor, que lindo! (The Redeemer, how beautifull!)

Quero a vida sempre assim (I want life to always be like this.) 
Com vocй perto de mim (With you right next to me) 
atй o apagar da velha chama. ('till the love ends.)

E eu que era triste (And I who was sad) 
Descrente deste mundo (Having lost faith in this world) 
Ao encontra vocк eu conheci (I found you and then I knew) 
o que й felicidade, meu amor (what happiness is, my love )