ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION akordy a texty písní
- Haruka Kanata
- Mirai no Kakera
- Rewrite
- Blue train
- After Dark
- 12
- Butterfly
- Denpatou
- Konayuki
- Kimi to iu Hana
- Opera Glasses
- Rolling Stone
- Rockn' Roll, Morning Light Falls on You
- Road Movie
- Right Now
- Paint It White
- Piece of the Future
- Planet of the Apes
- Re:Re:
- Seaside Sleeping
- Re: Re:
- Parallel World
- Prisoner in a Frame
- Science Fiction
- Signal on the Street
- Shindo-Kaku
- Understand
- Yoru Wo Koete
- Yoru No Mukou
- Yes
- T 12
- 24Ji
- A Flower Named You
- A Lost Dog and Beats of the Rain
- A New World
- A Town in Blue
- T After Dark
- All Right, Pt. 2
- Black Out
- Blood Circulator
- T Blue train
- Blues of the Imaginary Creature
- T Butterfly
- Caterpillar
- Clicking My Heels to Love
- Dance in Winter
- T Denpatou
- Dialogue
- Easter
- Entrance
- Eternal Glider
- Eternal Sunshine
- Forever
- T Fujisawa Loser
- Gekkou
- Gokurakuji Heartbreak
- Goodbye Lost Generation
- T Haruka Kanata
- I Want to Touch You and Be Sure
- In the Spring, When the Anemone Bloom
- T Inamuragasaki Jane
- Into an Unseen Tomorrow
- Kaigan Dori
- T Kimi to iu Hana
- T Konayuki
- T Last Scene
- Little Lennon
- Living in the Now
- T Loop & Loop
- Love Song of New Century
- Marching Band
- T Mayonaka To Mahiru No Yume
- Microphone
- T Mirai no Kakera
- Mustang
- T My World
- Neoteny
- T No Name
- Opera Glasses
- Paint It White
- Parallel World
- Piece of the Future
- Planet of the Apes
- Prisoner in a Frame
- T Re: Re:
- Re:Re:
- T Rewrite
- Right Now
- Road Movie
- Rockn' Roll, Morning Light Falls on You
- Rolling Stone
- Science Fiction
- Seaside Sleeping
- Shindo-Kaku
- Shinkokyu
- Signal on the Street
- T Siren
- Soranin
- Standard
- The Survivor's March
- The Thaw
- T Tightrope
- Time Traveler
- To Your Town
- T Understand
- Waltz in Codebook
- Well Then, See You Again Tomorrow
- Winner and Loser
- Wonder Future
- Yes
- Yoru No Mukou
- Yoru Wo Koete
- You To You
You To You
- 1 Dialogue
I Want to Touch You and Be Sure
BEST HIT AKG 2 (2012-2018)
- 1 Yoru Wo Koete
- 2 Clicking My Heels to Love
- 3 All Right, Pt. 2
- 4 Well Then, See You Again Tomorrow
- 5 In the Spring, When the Anemone Bloom
- 6 Living in the Now
- 7 Rolling Stone
- 8 Standard
- 9 Easter
- 10 Planet of the Apes
- 11 Wonder Future
- 12 Right Now
- 13 Blood Circulator
- 14 Rewrite
- 15 Re:Re:
- 16 Kaigan Dori
- 17 The Survivor's March
BEST HIT AKG Official Bootleg “HONE”
BEST HIT AKG Official Bootleg “IMO”
ソルファ (2016)
- 1 Shindo-Kaku
- 2 Rewrite
- 3 Loop & Loop
- 4 To Your Town
- 5 My World
- 6 Yoru No Mukou
- 7 Last Scene
- 8 Siren
- 9 Re:Re:
- 10 24Ji
- 11 Mayonaka To Mahiru No Yume
- 12 Kaigan Dori
Right Now
- 1 Re: Re:
- 2 Time Traveler
Wonder Future