In 1941, a physicist named Ray McEntire Rediscovered a method first discovered by Carl Munters An inventor from Sweden, you knew that, right? Yeah, I looked it up Anyway, ol' Ray found a way to make large quantities Of extrudent polystyrene in a closed-cell foam form That was resistant to moisture But you and I know it as styrofoam Which reminds me, tonight, on my way home I need to hit the Kwik Sak And for five bucks, I got myself a portable box I can fill with ice and keep all my Natty Lights Nice and cold You gotta love styrofoam You can cram it down in your flower pots Get it in peanut form and fill up a box So that the crappy ash tray that your kid made in class To send to Grandpappy don't get cracked along the way Hey, it's also used to make rafts for the US Military I'm for anything that supports the US Military Thousands of usages, all kinds of stuff And that includes forty-four ounce cups Styrofoam I fill it half way up with Diet Coke And top it off with brown liquor Now, I'll walk down Main Street and catch me a buzz Right up underneath the nose of the fuzz 'cause of Styrofoam You gotta love styrofoam I know I do Some folks say, "Hey, what about Mother Nature? It decomposes so slow" I'm no scientist, all I know is this Beer I'm drinkin' is so cold Thanks to Styrofoam Styrofoam Styrofoam So thank you, Ray McEntire Thank you, Carl Munters And thanks, Steve (Steve) The guy at the Kwik Sak Styrofoam Styrofoam