Verse: Jan-u-ar-y and Feb-ru-ar-y were nev-er so emp-ty and gray Tra-gic' - lly I feel like cry-ing "With-out you, my dar-ling, I'm dy-ing." But let's rath-er put it this way: SPRING WILL BE A LIT-TLE LATE THIS YEAR A lit-tle late ar-riv-ing in my lone-ly world o-ver here For you have left me, and where is our Ap-ril of old? You have left me, and win-ter con-tin-ues cold, As if to say Spring will bea lit-tle slow to start A lit-tle slow re-viv-ing mu-sic it made in my heart. Yes, time heals all things, so I need-n't cling to fear, It's mere-ly that SPRING WILL BE A LIT-TLE LATE THIS YEAR