Numb the old, take away their lives. And their gold, make them sacrifice. Give them all those pills now, We just want our peace now. Make them enjoy playing bingo, Somewhere over the rainbow. Chorus: Numb the old, take away their lives. And their gold, make them sacrifice. Treat them as if they weren't human, It's the legal way of killing. Tight them down to their beds, Forget they ever did a thing for us. Chorus: Numb the old, take away their lives. And their gold, make them sacrifice. So we put the old, In places we dare call homes. Stuff them with pills, pills that if we took. We wouldn't be allowed to drive, Wouldn't be able to work, or even think straight. But as long as we, as long as we can go about our lives, We just let them waste away, Until one day, it's our turn. Oh, God have mercy on us all, God have mercy on us all.